Here is the schedule of meditations during the reunion (Rose Room):
Thursday, April 4: 8:00pm
Friday, April 5: 7:30am, 2:30pm
Saturday, April 6: 7:30am, 2:30pm
Sunday, April 7: 7:30am
The Academy of Reflection Induction Ceremony & Business Meeting will be in the Assyrian Room, Friday, April 5, beginning at 9:15pm or immediately after the KSA procession. All Scottish Rite Masons of at least the 14th degree are welcome to attend. We will have at least two new members inducted, Bro. Randy Sanders and Bro. Matt Coppel. We will also execute the Memorandum of Agreement for the Oakland Academy in Formation and for the Santa Barbara Academy in Formation, and ceremonially authorize Bro. Jonathan Prestage and Bro. Larry Cook to serve as their respective Prospective Superintendents.