Oct 192020

Certain faculties of man are directed toward the Unknown–thought, meditation, prayer. The unknown is an ocean, of which conscience is the compass. Thought, meditation, prayer, are the great mysterious pointings of the needle. It is a spiritual magnetism that thus connects the human soul with the Deity. These majestic irradiations of the soul pierce through the shadow toward the light.

Morals & Dogma, p. 9

We are to hear and read and meditate, that we may act well; and the action of Life is itself the great field for spiritual improvement.

Morals & Dogma, p. 243

Thank you for visiting the Academy of Reflection  (AOR) website. Here we intend to provide you with all the information you need in order to know what the AOR is, why it exists, how it works, and how you might become involved. Please feel free to look around, and do let us know if you have any questions.

Sep 172024

To Everyone Interested in the Academy of Reflection,

Please be advised that on November 2nd the Academy of Reflection (AOR) will retire its charter and cease operating as an appendant body with the Rite. After 12 years of operation, we have determined that our most important goals are not best served by maintaining a membership organization with its own ritual of induction and adminstrative demands. Instead, the AOR curriculum will be available to anyone who wishes to work with it. It will be posted on a dedicated page in the Guthrie College of Consistory website, along with a list of recognized instructors who have the experience, training, and ethical commitment to assist others working through the contemplative courses.

The AOR charter retirement will occur at 5:30pm in the Assyrian Room of the Guthrie Temple, on Saturday, November 2nd. All are welcome to attend.

Apr 072022

Candidates are welcome to attend any session that does not conflict with the class schedule. All Scottish Rite Masons may attend any session. If an Induction Ceremony is held on Friday evening, then it may be observed by candidates who have received the 14th Degree and all other Scottish Rite Masons.

Thursday, April 7
8:30-9:00pm – Meditation Session #1 (Rose Room)

Friday, April 8
7:30-8:00am – Meditation Session #2 (Rose Room)
5:30-6:30pm – Meditation Session #3 (Rose Room)
9:15pm – After the KSA Processional – Business Meeting & Possible Induction Ceremony (Assyrian Room)

Saturday, April 9
7:30-8:00am – Meditation Session #4 (Rose Room)
5:30-6:300pm – Meditation Session #5 (Rose Room)

Sunday, April 10
7:00-7:30am – Meditation Session #6 (Rose Room)

Oct 192020

Beginning in November of 2020, the Academy of Reflection will hold routine virtual meditation sessions for its members and associates. These sessions are scheduled for the Mondays (Moon-Days) nearest each full moon, at 8:00pm Central. Each is facilitated by an authorized AOR Instructor and lasts approximately one hour. Themes and methods of meditation vary from session to session.

The dates are as follows:
2020 – Nov 2, Nov 30, Dec 28
2021 – Jan 25, Mar 1, Mar 29, Apr 26, May 24, Jun 21, Jul 26, Aug 23, Sep 20, Oct 18, Nov 22, Dec 20

Sep 092020

As this Fall’s Guthrie Scottish Rite Reunion has been canceled, our in-person group meditations will instead be held by Zoom and NOT at the Temple. Furthermore, they will be open to anyone who registers, whether or not they are Scottish Rite Masons.

For link or additional information please contact the Clerk of the Academy of Reflection: Bro. Randy Sanders, clerk@academyofreflection.org, 636-474-6000 cell

You can also follow this event on Facebook here.

Each meditation will be led by an authorized AOR Instructor. Each session will begin with an introduction, then proceed into the guided meditation, and conclude with a period for reflective discussion. The total time for each session may vary, but will be approximately one hour. Please note these sessions will not be recorded. Participants should log into the session a few minutes early. Late log-ins are highly discouraged as they may distract other participants. Casual and comfortable attire is recommended.

The schedule correlates with the four bodies of the Scottish Rite, and is as follows (all times are CDT, or UTC -5):

Friday, Oct. 2, 8:00pm – Bro. Tom Langford leads an opening meditation on “The Double Eagle – Storm Bird and Phoenix”

Saturday, Oct. 3, 8:00am – Bro. Bob Sachs leads a Lodge of Perfection meditation on “A Cryptic Journey”

Saturday, Oct. 3, 3:00pm – Bro. Doug Russell leads a Rose Croix Chapter meditation on “The Rose and the Cross”

Sunday, Oct. 4, 8:00am – Bro. Chuck Dunning leads a Council of Kadosh meditation on “Fiat Lux! Becoming a Master of the Symbolic Lodge”

Sunday, Oct. 4, 3:00pm – Bro. Kevin Main leads a Consistory meditation on “The Celestial Sphere”

Jul 072020

This event will open to all interested persons at 6pm Central. Before that time, it is open only to AOR associates and inducted members. To receive a Zoom invitation, contact the AOR Clerk at clerk@academyofreflection.org.

Saturday, July 11 (during discussions, all are welcome to come and go as needed and to enjoy food and drink)

1:30pm Central – Randy opens the Zoom session to insure any pre-arrivals are accommodated. This would also be the “green room” for any that want preparation.
2:00pm – Welcome, Opening Prayer
2:15pm – Casual Conversation
2:45pm – Bro. Samuel Kyburz provides Contemplative Experience Short Talk #1, followed by discussion
3:45pm – Short Break followed by Guided Meditation led by Bro. Chuck Dunning
4:15pm – Bro. Randy Sanders provides Contemplative Experience Short Talk #2, followed by discussion
5:15pm – Guided Meditation, led by Bro. Bob Sachs
5:45pm – Wrap Up, Closing Prayer, invitation to stay and converse
6:00pm – Randy leaves the Zoom session open with non-AOR guests welcome to join us

Mar 132020

Candidates are welcome to attend any session that does not conflict with the class schedule. All Scottish Rite Masons may attend any session. The Information Session on Friday afternoon is an opportunity for anyone to learn more about the AOR, including discussion about how it can be built in other Valleys. The Induction Ceremony on Saturday evening may be observed by candidates and all other Scottish Rite Masons.

Thursday, April 2
8:30-9:00pm – Meditation Session #1 (Rose Room)

Friday, April 3
7:00-7:30am – Meditation Session #2 (Rose Room)
10:00-11:00am – Meditation Session #3 (Rose Room)
3:00-4:00pm – Information Session (Rose Room)

Saturday, April 4
7:00-7:30am – Meditation Session #4 (Rose Room)
10:30-11:00am – Meditation Session #5 (Rose Room)
9:30-10:30pm – Induction Ceremony (Assyrian Room)

Sunday, April 5
7:00-7:30am – Meditation Session #6 (Rose Room)

Oct 302019

There are still openings available for the Mother Academy’s contemplative retreat on the weekend of February 28 through March 1 at the Guthrie Scottish Rite Temple. It is open only to associates and inducted members of the AOR. There is no fee for this event, but we will suggest a minimal donation to cover food expenses. After reading this posting, associates and inducted members should contact clerk@academyofreflection.org to state your desire to attend. If you are not an associate or member, you can learn more about the requirements here: https://academyofreflection.org/joining-the-aor/. It is possible to become an associate between now and the registration deadline.


The purpose of this retreat is to provide space, time, and support for AOR members and associates wanting the benefits of a carefully structured immersion experience in contemplative practice. As such, it entails a significant shift from ordinary attitudes and behaviors, and begins with a commitment to focus our time and attention primarily on our own internal being. For the duration of the retreat, attendees practice silence except during times specifically designated otherwise, abstain from alcohol, tobacco products, sweets, meat, communication with the outside world, and electronic media, and eat only the simple meals offered for communal dining. The Custodian should be informed of any special dietary needs prior to the retreat. The AOR officers’ contact information is provided in advance so that all attendees can share it with friends or family members who may need to communicate with them in case of an emergency.

Each attendee will be provided with a bed in the temple. Please bring your own toiletries and a sleeping bag or other bedding so that we place less demand on temple staff. Dress very comfortably, and be prepared for the possibility of cooler temperatures inside the temple.


1. Active Participation:
a. Remain at the retreat from the moment you arrive until after the closing ceremony. (Inducted members who have attended prior retreats may request permission for partial attendance. Such requests must be submitted in advance of the retreat and will be considered on a case by case basis at the discretion of the officers. Permission granted for partial attendance in one case shall not be construed as a precedent for other cases, even with the same member.)

b. Take responsibility for arriving at each scheduled activity no later than the designated time. If you are late to an activity, enter with as little disturbance as possible and with understanding that nobody will explain what you have missed. It is therefore of vital importance that speakers keep their comments as concise, to the point, and brief as possible.
c. Participate fully in each activity.
d. If there is some compelling reason for not participating in an activity, either prior to the activity or as soon as possible afterward, you should communicate with one of the officers about it in the manner described in guideline 5.c.

2. Abstinence:
a. Attendees are expected to abstain from unauthorized speaking, alcohol, tobacco, sweets, meat, communication with the outside world, and electronic media.
b. Cravings, irritability, and other abstinence-related experiences are opportunities for practicing mindfulness and self-discipline and for developing greater self-awareness and insight.
c. All food and drink must remain in the dining area.

3. Bells:
a. Bells ring at different times during the retreat to indicate changes of activity.
b. Attendees are encouraged to respond to bells by briefly assuming the Sign of Silence (forefinger to your lips).

4. Silence:
a. Observe silence at all times unless instructed to do otherwise. If there is a special need to break silence, follow guideline 5.c if possible.
b. Whispering, the soundless mouthing of words, or writing notes to other attendees are not silence.
c. Observing silence also means being mindful in one’s movements in order to avoid making any noises that might be disturbing to others.
d. There is no need to suppress coughs or sneezes.
e. During sessions that include periods for discussion and dialogue, carefully observe the beginning and ending of those periods.
f. When someone is speaking, practice deep listening. There are no whispers and no side comments or conversations during discussion times.
g. There is no communication with the outside world during the retreat unless there is a genuine emergency. Except for those specifically authorized by the AOR officers, all electronic devices such as phones, notepads, personal computers, etc, should be turned completely off at all times during the retreat.

5. Speaking:
a. During designated periods for discussion and dialogue, only one person speaks at a time and all others practice deep listening. It is therefore of vital importance that speakers keep their comments as concise, to the point, and brief as possible.
b. To speak during a general session, raise your hand and wait to be recognized by the discussion facilitator.
c. If there is any other genuine need to communicate with someone, approach one of the AOR officers under the Sign of Silence. He will lead you to a private place where you can speak freely about your concern.

6. Solitary Time:
a. Avoid all forms of contact with others during solitary time. If you are near other attendees, avoid eye contact and behaving in ways that might distract them.
b. Attendees are welcome to spend solitary time silently meditating, praying, reading, writing, doing artwork, practicing mindful or meditative movement, or sleeping. Do not play music.
c. Attendees may go outside onto the temple grounds during solitary time, understanding that all guidelines continue to apply.
d. Consultation: Each attendee may schedule one 20-minute consultation with an AOR Instructor, held during one solitary time.
i. A consultation addresses a specific question or two that the attendee has about contemplative practice and his personal experience with it.
ii. Consultations are not for advising on personal issues such as relationships or career, although they may focus on how contemplative practices may be of benefit to the attendee managing such issues.
iii. Use the time efficiently. The Instructor will end the session promptly at 20-minutes.

7. Free Time:
a. The guidelines for silence and speaking are lifted during free time, and thus attendees may speak freely to anyone anywhere at the retreat.
b. Singing and the playing of acoustical instruments, such as the piano, are welcome during free time.

8. Restroom Breaks:
a. Take advantage of meal times and solitary times for trips to the restroom.
b. Triad meetings can also be ended with a few minutes to spare for this purpose.
c. If it is necessary to leave an activity for a restroom break, please leave and return with as little disturbance as possible.

9. Dining:
a. Unless there is a specific medical need, attendees should not bring food or beverages of any kind to the retreat.
b. Meals are primarily opportunities to nourish the body and practice mindful eating and drinking. They are very simple, usually consisting of raw fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, and dairy products like cheese and yogurt. Provided beverages include coffee, tea, juice, and milk.
c. All attendees are encouraged to assist in setting out food and dining implements at the beginning of meal times, and to help clean up at the end of meal times.
d. Snacks between meals are discouraged, but available for those with a medical need.

10. Responding to Breaches of the Guidelines:
a. If you or someone else breaches the guidelines, your first and perhaps only response should be to attend carefully to your own internal reactions as you continue following the guidelines.
b. If you believe it is wise to respond in a more overt manner, gently assuming the Sign of Silence is a polite and respectful reminder to oneself and others of our shared commitment to the guidelines.

Tentative Schedule

Attendees should have dinner before coming to the temple. Please arrive early enough to find your bed and get settled before 8:00pm.

8:00pm – General Session 1
• Ceremonial Opening
• Review Guidelines, Schedule, and other Retreat Materials
• Questions and Answers
• Agreement to Follow the Guidelines
• Begin Setting Personal Intentions for the Retreat
• Silent Sitting
10:00pm – Solitary Time
12:00 midnight – Lights Out

6:00am – Morning Bell
6:30am – General Session 2
7:30am – Breakfast
8:00am – Solitary Time
9:00am – Triads: Dialogue on Our Personal Intentions
11:00am – General Session 3
12:00 noon – Lunch
1:00pm – Solitary Time
4:00pm – General Session 4
6:00pm – Dinner
7:00pm – Triads: How are things going?
8:00pm – General Session 5
10:00pm – Free Time (silence and speaking guidelines lifted)
12:00 midnight – Lights Out (return of silence and speaking guidelines)

6:00am – Morning Bell
6:30am – General Session 6
7:30am – Breakfast
8:00am – General Session 7
9:00am – Solitary Time (police rooms and pack)
10:00am – Triads: Dialogue on Our Personal Intentions
11:00am – Lunch (silence and speaking guidelines lifted)
12:00 noon – General Session 8
2:00pm – General Session 9: Ceremonial Closing

Sep 232019

Friday, October 11, 2019
9:00pm – Meditation Session #1 (Rose Room)

Saturday, October 12
7:00am – Meditation Session #2 (Rose Room)
4:00pm – Meditation Session #3 (Rose Room)
6:00pm – Business Meeting and Induction Ceremony (Assyrian Room)

Sunday, October 13
7:00am – Meditation Session #4 (Rose Room)

Candidates are welcome to attend Friday at 9pm, Saturday at 7am, and Sunday at 7am. The other sessions, business meeting, and induction ceremony are open to all Scottish Rite Masons of at least the 14th degree.